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3/8" x 50' Nylon Dbl-Br Anchor Lne-Blu

SKU # 561254   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
3/8" x 50' Nylon Dbl-Br Anchor Lne-Blu
KingCord's premium Double Braid Nylon Anchor Line has been designed to maximize durability and performance in harsh marine conditions. Professionally hand spliced eye on one end with a built-in 3/8" stainless steel thimble for attachment to anchors or other devices. Nylon has great strength and shock load resistance, handles easily, and resists sunlight better than all other synthetics. Double Braid offers an excellent combination of stretch with excellent shock load reduction. Nylon does not float, so it's the optimal material for anchor lines. (5-6-1254)

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