M1100 Fencer
M1100 Fencer
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Gallagher® M1100 650 Acres Mains Fence Energizer

SKU # 1014438   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Gallagher® M1100 650 Acres Mains Fence Energizer
Gallagher's M1100 Energizer is crafted from a rugged combination of tough, high impact plastic. Clean Fence: 110 miles / 650 acres - Typical Fence: 36 miles / 280 acres
11 Joules of stored energy
Adaptive voltage control technology increases voltage output when fence conditions change
Split bolt terminals for easy installation and good connection
Shows output voltage of the energizer at a glance via bar graph
Compliance with latest UL Standards guarantees safety and reliability
Simple "plug and play" installation.

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