Solar Fencer S100
Solar Fencer S100
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Gallagher® S100 100 Acres Solar Fence Energizer

SKU # 1014442   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Gallagher® S100 100 Acres Solar Fence Energizer
Gallaghers S100 Solar Energizer is ideal for managed rotational grazing and great for excluding unwanted wildlife. Unique battery save technology extends usage up to 3 weeks without sun. Clean Fence: 30 miles / 100 acres - Typical Fence: 8 miles / 60 acres. 1.0 Stored Joules. Built-in solar panel charges battery. 360-degree mounting capability. Water resistant case, with convenient carry handle and built-in lightning protection. Multiple power options: Wildlife Mode pulses fast day and night or Full Power Mode pulses fast during the day and slower at night. Includes rechargeable 12V battery and leadset.

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