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SKU # 602191   
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Backyard Farming: Composting is your all-in-one guide for creating your own homestead composting plan and adding rich, nourishing humus to your garden. This guide reviews every important topic from what should and should not be composted, benefits and uses for compost, how to build a compost bin, and much more.

Whether you''re composting the waste from your farm or just the scraps from your kitchen, Composting is the comprehensive primer for anyone looking to start composting and bring that "black gold" to their own garden. Including detailed instructions and informative photographs that help ensure your compost system is practical and productive, Composting takes you step by step through everything you need to nourish your garden--and build healthy, rich soil.

With Composting, you will: Choose the composting method that works best for you, your needs, and your available material, Discover how to begin a compost system and how to maintain it for optimal yield, Construct your own composting system from a variety of easy-to-follow plans, Learn how to troubleshoot any problem your compost pile might develop, Find out how best to use your compost--including indoor container gardening...and much more to help you achieve success.

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