Granite Truck With Low Loader Trailer & Jcb Backho
Granite Truck With Low Loader Trailer & Jcb Backho
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Granite Truck With Low Loader Trailer & Jcb Backho

SKU # 310386   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Granite Truck With Low Loader Trailer & Jcb Backho
Driver’s cabin:
-Doors can be opened, cabin with windscreen
-The engine bonnet can be opened to provide a view of the engine block
-Rear-view mirror can be folded in
-Fender, front panel, bonnet ornament, rear-view mirrors, exhaust pipes, roof lights, fanfares, and frame add-ons with chrome look, sculptured tires

Low loader trailer:
-Fully functional fifth wheel coupling
-Fold-away sustainers safely support the vehicle
-Fold-down access ramps
-Adjustable vehicle locks secure the loaded vehicles

JCB Backhoe Loader:
-Fully functional front loader
-The backhoe moves up and down and swings from side to side
-Stabilizer legs of this backhoe extends to the ground
-Seat swings around
-Tread tires

-Manufactured from high-quality plastics such as ABS
-Made in Germany
-Scale 1:16
-Recommended age: from 3 years, for playing indoors and outdoors

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