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JW Toys Butterfly Puppy Teether Chew Toy

SKU # 3507870   
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JW Toys Butterfly Puppy Teether Chew Toy
The JW Butterfly Puppy Teether Chew Toy is the perfect toy to give your puppy during their teething phase. Designed specifically for puppies; the Butterfly Chew-ee Teether features a textured; knobby surface that massages your puppy's gums as they gnaw and chew on the toy; helping relieve the pain teething can cause. When chew time is over; turn the Butterfly Chew-ee Teething into a fetch toy to build a strong bond with your new pet! The super-tough rubber and fun shape of this toy provide a bouncy; erratic bounce path when thrown that engages your puppy's instinct to chase. 

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