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Nurs-Ette® 2kg All Milk 20-20-20 Milk Replacer

SKU # 295934   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Nurs-Ette® 2kg All Milk 20-20-20 Milk Replacer
Only consistent high quality ingredients used
100% Milk Protein
Produces weight gains similar to whole milk, at a lower cost.
Calves can be weaned earlier, saving on time and money.
Convenient for those raising calves without dairy cows on their farm.
Excellent calf performance and health.
Contains Smart Care
Improves growth performance and feed efficiency
Boosts immune status and alleviates stress
Reduces incidences of scouring
**During extreme conditions (cold or wind), offer an extra feeding of milk replacer per day.
Mix only enough solution for one feeding.
Use clean feeding utensils.
Keep fresh, clean water before calves at all times.
Starting approximately 1 week of age, provide a good quality calf starter on a free choice basis
House calves in warm, dry and draft free quarters.
Follow the program of your feed consultant after calves are weaned.
**Crude Protein (Min.) 20.0%
Crude Protein from Milk Sources (Min.) 20.0%
Crude Fat (Min.). 20.0%
Crude Fiber (Max.) 0.70%
Phosphorus (Actual) 0.70%
Calcium (Actual) 0.80%
Sodium (Actual) 0.80%
Vitamin A (Min.) 30,000 IU/k
Vitamin D (Min.) 5,000 IU/kg
Vitamin E (Min.) 50 IU/kg

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