White House Bird Feeder
White House Bird Feeder
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Perky-Pet® White Bird House Feeder 2.8lb

SKU # 1010961   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Perky-Pet® White Bird House Feeder 2.8lb
Bring the quaint farmhouse life to your backyard birds with the Perky-Pet Farmhouse Feeder. This charming white feeder is styled to resemble an old-fashioned farmhouse, complete with a gabled roof and plenty of windows. In addition to adding aesthetic appeal, the numerous windows allow you to easily monitor seed levels.

For your convenience, the roof is removable to make filling and cleaning easy. To open, simply remove the hanging hook and pull off the roof. The translucent windows also slide out of the metal frame to allow for easier cleaning. Plus, the all-metal construction ensures that this feeder is built to last.

Birds will love visiting the Perky-Pet Farmhouse Feeder thanks to its four bird-preferred U-shaped perches, which allow multiple birds to feed on each side. The feeder is also able to hold up to 2.8 lb of mixed seed or sunflower – a favorite for many backyard birds. In addition, drainage holes prevent water from pooling inside the reservoir to ensure seed remains fresh and dry.

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