Stain Minwax Helms Gls 1G
Stain Minwax Helms Gls 1G
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Stain Minwax Helms Gls 1G

SKU # 435089   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Stain Minwax Helms Gls 1G
Helmsman® 350 VOC Spar Urethane is a specially formulated protective clear finish for exterior or interior wood that is exposed to sunlight, water, or temperature
changes. This clear protective finish for wood contains UV blockers to reduce the sun’s graying and fading effects. Helmsman® 350 VOC Spar Urethane forms a protective barrier against rain and moisture and its special oils allow the finish to expand and contract with the wood as seasons and temperatures change. Helmsman® 350 VOC Spar Urethane is not recommended for use on floors. Recommended uses: Doors, windows, bathroom cabinets, bar tops, kitchen countertops and outdoor furniture
Application tool: Natural bristle brush
Recoat: After 6 hours
Dry time: 24 hours
Cleanup: Mineral spirits
Coverage: 100 sq. ft. per quart
Coats: 2-3

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