Sunblaster T5 Universal Light Stand
Sunblaster T5 Universal Light Stand
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Sun Blaster® T5 Universal Light Stand

SKU # 369943   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Sun Blaster® T5 Universal Light Stand
- Is the ideal companion for all Sunblaster T-5 Lighting kits.
- Each universal stand assembles in seconds without tools and comes complete with 2-18" support bars, powdered coated Aluminum, 2 Bases, 2 light grips, 6 anti skid pads, 2 end caps for support bars and 4 height adjustment o-rings.
- The Universal Stand allows you to set the exact lighting height to get your seedlings or fresh cuttings off to their best start ever.
- Getting the right light at just the right height has never been easier.

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