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Pink Threaded Peach Teat®

SKU # 216569   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Pink Threaded Peach Teat®
The Peach Teat
Pink threaded teats can be screwed on a standard or home made feeder with a 20mm (3/4 inch) hole.

The Peach Teat allows no more fluid to pass through it than a cow’s udder naturally would, allowing the calf to suckle more intensely than conventional technology. This stimulates the flow of saliva and improves the PH-level in the stomach and leads to better digestion.

With traditional teats when a calf squeezes the teat most of the milk goes right back into the container. The Peach Teat’s unique patented internal collapsing flap-valve holds the milk in the teat making it much more responsive to the calf’s needs. It is designed to function like a real cows teat, moving all the time while the calf is suckling, never closing in its relaxed state. This means that the teat is self-cleaning and resists blocking.

There is a milk opening on each side of the nipple, situated so that the crown of the nipple remains intact and the teat is leak resistant even when used at the bottom of a milk container. These openings also work as a second valve. Calves feed better and do not stress or fidget and health problems, such as scours or pneumonia, are reduced.

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