Garden Post 30"
Garden Post 30"
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Zareba 30-Inch Green Garden Fence Post

SKU # 1003594   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Zareba 30-Inch Green Garden Fence Post
Use the Zareba 30-Inch Green Garden Fence Post for any of your temporary fencing needs. These posts can provide a fence to protect the garden from nuisance animals like dogs, cats, groundhogs, rabbits, and more. If there is no garden to protect, use as crowd control barriers, or boundary markers, and much more! If containing animals inside a paddock, please keep in mind these posts are not recommended for permanent use. To install, simply insert the pointed tip of the fence post down into the ground. The Zareba 30-Inch Green Garden Fence Post features 8 built-in clips that hold aluminum, steel, or polywire to the post without losing electricity. There are varying heights along the 30-inch post to customize the fence line’s height. These posts have a ribbed design and are made of durable UV-resistant plastic so they will remain strong over time.

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