BUNN SBS Speed Brew Select Coffee Maker Black
BUNN SBS Speed Brew Select Coffee Maker Black
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BUNN SBS Speed Brew Select Coffee Maker Black

SKU # 3530581   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
BUNN SBS Speed Brew Select Coffee Maker Black
''The BUNN Speed Brew uses an internal commercial grade stainless steel hot water tank that keeps 70oz of water always hot so you can quickly brew at the flip of a lid. Pour-in bowl features a water level indicator to show you how much water has been added. Eclusive drip-free carafe delivers the cleanest pour on the market with a proprietary lid and spout design that arcs the coffee into the cup and wicks the rest back into the carafe. Our technology allows our coffee maker to brew a full carafe of coffee in 4 minutes, half the time of typical coffee makers. Commercial style multi-stream sprayhead evenly showers hot water over the coffee grounds to maximize the flavor of your coffee similar to your favorite café.

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