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Catit Senses 2.0 Catnip Spray, 60mL

SKU # 3529871   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Catit Senses 2.0 Catnip Spray, 60mL
Would you like to stimulate your cat to play more intensely or keep your feline away from your furniture? Then catnip is the way to go! The Catit Senses 2.0 Catnip Spray is a great training tool for cats.

A single coating will stimulate your cat to play and/or scratch in the spot you want them to. Use the catnip spray on cat toys, fabrics and scratching posts to safeguard your furniture.

Size : 60 ml

Important :

Always supervise your cat when using catnip. Adjust the amount of catnip used to the sensitivity of your cat. Excessive use of catnip can lead to aggressive behavior or your cat getting itself hurt. Never apply catnip onto your cat or any other animal.

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