Retractable  Ratchet Strap 2" x 10'
Retractable  Ratchet Strap 2" x 10'
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Erickson Strap Rcht 2"X10'3300Lb Ret 2P

SKU # 173013   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Erickson Strap Rcht 2"X10'3300Lb Ret 2P
Ericksons new patented design is the next step up in the Tie-Down industry. The Re-Tractables are so simple to operate simply pull the web out to the desired length and start ratcheting until tight. To release, simply push down on the RED release button. The web not being used is stored in the centre housing so you have no web blowing in the wind. This feature also keeps the straps clean and Free from oil and dirt. Our interactive packaging design lets the customer operate the Re-Tractable ratchet right in the dealers store. The self-sell feature saves a lot of wasted dealer selling time.

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